

In the middle ages, Silver may have saved the lives of those wealthy enough to own and use silverware. The daily use of these utensils caused absorption of silver and helped stave off disease maybe even the "Plague".

Silver is and has been known for decades to be a natural antibiotic. Its uses have been varied over the years:
Pioneers used silver coins in their water barrels to help kill bacteria.
Silver leaf was used to cover some wounds in the trenches of WW1.
Surgeons use silver sutures.
The Greeks used silver crocks to store water, The Chinese used it to preserve wine.

Today Silver is used in wound dressings such as Silverlon ( particularly for burns), in Medical Devices and Prosthesis.

You hear new advertisements every day about products with silver in it to help kill bacteria, Underarm deodorants, Hunters Spray (to kill human odor), Vitamins, Water Filters,even plastic Bags with silver to keep food from spoiling.

Some metals are known to have benefits to human health such as:

Iron, Copper, Zinc and others and in high concentrations these metals CAN BE TOXIC, of all these beneficial elements, Silver is the least toxic to humans.

Aide groups in third world nations have used silver to treat water for decades. Experts claim no organism has ever survived more then six minutes once exposed to Colloidal Silver, also it is found to be effective on pathogens without being toxic to its host.....So what is Colloidal Silver?

Colloidal Silver is microscopic particles of silver in liquid suspension. It is used topically for wounds and to treat many maladies that antibiotics are used for. The benefit to the survivor is its availability when others medications may not be available. Colloidal Silver can be "produced" with a colloidal generator. A table top device /appliance that will produce gallons of colloidal saturated water.

All households should have a Colloidal Generator for use when other options may be limited or just for common uses. Unlike other antibiotics, germs-bacteria do not build up resistance to silver.
It should be noted: a condition known as Argyria (a saturation of silver in the body) due to over use, can cause the eyes and skin to become grayish blue. It would take very high doses of silver over years of use for this condition to manifest itself. However it is considered permanent and I would be remiss if I didn't mention it. For the disaster survivor, for use on ACUTE patients this is of little concern.
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