If you are a person that often travels alone, is forced to park in "out of the way" places, is known to walk the dog or jog after hours, flashes fine jewelry or wrist watches, you may not be doing yourself any favors.
The criminal mind is a free thinker, he does not have the restrictions and restraint that law abiding citizens consider normal civil behavior. He does not look at the world as the rest of us do.
You throw your tennis racket in the back seat with your gym bag, it means nothing, but he sees something very different. If it's November and you're playing tennis, well then you must be a club member someplace. To him you qualify as a person of leisure and privilege. It does not matter if that's true or not. He has just "qualified" you as a potential target.

If you are lucky enough to receive expensive gifts this Christmas like computers, high end audio equipment, cameras, firearms or anything worth allot "on the street" you might consider cutting up the boxes they came in and discarding the cardboard with printing facing IN so you do not advertise your good fortune to passers by while it sits on the curb waiting for the trash collector.
Don't openly discuss vacation or travel plans. Even in an environment like the cafeteria at work, school, Doctor's office, check out line at the local market......shut up.
Make plans to have your mail stopped or collected by a neighbor. Ask a neighbor to park a car in your driveway while you're away. Use automatic lighting in the KITCHEN (try going two days without turning on the kitchen light) and only use garage door window glass that is frosted or textured. Make arrangements for the kid next door to shovel the walks or put out trash cans while you are away. Pay him well and in advance!

When shopping in casual clothes (unless you are in Harrods, you should always shop in casual clothes) consider using a "Butt bag" instead of a handbag, you need not carry all your regular stuff in the mall, just the credit cards, check book and cash. Ware it with the bag up front and pass the belt through at least one of your belt loops. This makes it hard to grab, leaves both your arms/hands free to defend yourself and makes running easier then carrying a regular handbag. Some woman like to "be seen" while shopping and actually dress for the occasion. Think Sneakers! It's more comfortable and far safer then heels or clog type shoes. FLIP FLOP sandals are for the beach or shower and should never be considered for street use.
being able to run away from an incident is important. Have you ever heard the expression "he looked me up and down"? well that's the wolf checking out the sheep. he will check your shoes, jacket, hair style. All these things can work in his favor. You need not look like a wolf but you should never appear to be a sheep.
Be wise, Don't advertise.
Watch your six