Rule number One: Never bring a knife to a gun fight, at all other times, never be without one.
Without exception, each and every Police Officer, Security Guard, Military Operator and Emergency Responder I know carries an edged "Tool" of some kind. Either as a back up weapon to their primary arm or as a response tool for EDC work or to affect self rescue.
In some areas large fixed blades may not only be acceptable, it may be the norm. However, for off duty or even civilian carry, the "small" fixed blade or folder is king. Consult local laws for carry in your region.
Pocket or belt clipped tactical knives such as these provide their owner a edge (no pun) in a self defense situation when out numbered, out gunned or bushwhacked.
I have no loyalty to any particular brand, If I have faith in a particular knife, I'll use it. The CRKT M16-10kz is my EDC and one hell of a handy knife. Fast, Lite, Strong and well thought out. It's a fist full of security when you need it most.
Fast thanks to the "OutBurst" feature. An assisted opening devise that springs the blade into action.
The Hissatsu is by design, a penetrating weapon with great slashing characteristics. Strong and over built. Made for the Professional.
I doubt you'll need to stab a tree, Plywood or an automobile hood, but you never know. Thick clothing doesn't stand a chance.
Both of these folders incorporate a secondary lock system that virtually ensure they will never close during use no matter what. A great safety feature.

The Ka-Bar TDI (Tactical defense Institute)knife is purpose built as a weak hand last ditch defense blade. Fast on the draw and with a unique Kukri type leverage advantage, the TDI is a great self defense option. I wore the TDI in uniform for years and never knew it was there, it travels so comfortably in almost any direction or location on (or under) your duty belt. It carries just as well on jeans under a loose shirt.

Another great option is the Cold Steel "Spike" series. These thin easy to carry fixed blades can be worn as a belt, neck or boot knife. Sharp and needle pointed, they can be a surprise to an attacker and a down right nightmare to any mugger.
The self defense knife is a personal choice, only you know what you will be comfortable with. Training and practise will result in competence and confidence. Seek out a professional or train with a partner to better learn the skills necessary to make those few fast moves that can save your life.
Keep in mind, should you be forced to use a weapon in your own defense, you will be responsible for your actions. There is no free pass just because you were picked on. You better be sure this was a life or death situation that you could not avoid or escape without taking action. I would NEVER use or even display a weapon without needing to save my own life, you shouldn't either!
watch your six